Friday, 27 July 2012

A Weekly Fantasy

Hello Everyone.

A Weekly Fantasy is my new series of posts, where once a week I will post about a fantasy/dream I have for my future one day. It could be anything from where I want to travel, to where I want to live or even where I want to work one day!

This Week's Fantasy: Working at Vogue

This week's Fantasy is Working at Vogue. One day I would absolutely love to work at vogue. The editor, Anna Wintour, has the most amazing job and it honestly would be a dream! You would get to meet famous models, go to many stunning fashion shows and events. What a life!

The movie "The September Issue" takes you through the life of Anna Wintour and what it is like to work at vogue. I watched this movie a few years ago and it really made me understand the life of a magazine editor, but also many other jobs involved with working at a magazine as well. It made me realize that this was something that I would love to achieve one day. You never know, I might be living a life like Anna Wintour one day.


Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Meet the Model: Cara Delevingne


Meet the Model, is my new series of posts where I will talk about and give information about some of my favourite models! I will do this once a week, each with a different model. To start with I will introduce my absolute favourite model; Cara Delevingne.

My friend told me about her, and showed me this interview with her and imavillagebicycle. She seems like such a gorgeous, nice and easy-going person.

Cara Delevingne's Profile:

Height: 5' 9.5" / 176.5cm
Bust: 31" A
Waist: 24" / 60.96cm
Hips: 34" / 86.36cm
Shoes: UK 6 / EUR 39
Dress Size (uk): UK 6 / EUR 34
Hair: Blonde Light
Length: Long
Eyes: Green

Cara Delevingne did an interview with Vogue.It and here a bit of it:

August, 12

Born in: 

Zodiac Sign: 

Personal Motto: 
"Stay Cool."

I become a model: 
"because I needed money! No, because it's a great job and I meet amazing people. And then, for money, but it's not the only reason!"

My Style Is:
"I've not got a specific style, I mix different looks, maybe my style it's relaxed yet chic."

I love:
"Music, performing, singing, acting, everything. And meat, I love meat. I'm a meat eater."

I dislike:
"Fish, a lot. And also high heels"

Seaside or Mountain:
"Definately seaside. I love the sun"

I'm in love with:

I want to change:
"The government. I wanna be the Prime Minister."



Introducing the New Blog

Hello everyone! A few months ago I made the big decision to change my tumblr's name from purple-dress to teapartyatharrods, and now I have changed my blogspot as well. I love my new url as I think it is more girly and suits the things I will post a lot better :) I really hope you enjoy my new blog, and all my upcoming posts.
