A Weekly Fantasy is my new series of posts, where once a week I will post about a fantasy/dream I have for my future one day. It could be anything from where I want to travel, to where I want to live or even where I want to work one day!
This Week's Fantasy: Working at Vogue
This week's Fantasy is Working at Vogue. One day I would absolutely love to work at vogue. The editor, Anna Wintour, has the most amazing job and it honestly would be a dream! You would get to meet famous models, go to many stunning fashion shows and events. What a life!
The movie "The September Issue" takes you through the life of Anna Wintour and what it is like to work at vogue. I watched this movie a few years ago and it really made me understand the life of a magazine editor, but also many other jobs involved with working at a magazine as well. It made me realize that this was something that I would love to achieve one day. You never know, I might be living a life like Anna Wintour one day.