Thursday 3 January 2013

2013 ... Be Good to Me

Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had an amazing New Years Eve, filled with lots of laughter and happy times with all your closest family and friends. I am sorry that I haven't been posting much but I have been away at a small little beach in New Zealand with no internet other than my trusty 3G on my iPhone. So I wasn't able to post. In a way it was a really good thing though, because it is my first post of the New Year and it is my 100th post! Yay!

Isn't it just such a great feeling to know that we have survived the dreaded year of 2012, when the world was supposedly meant to end! I know for me, I am very happy for it to be over, because 2012 wasn't exactly the most happy year for me ever, and I am so excited to be in 2013 with new plans for my life throughout the year ahead of us. 

So I have set my New Years Resolutions and look forward to trying my best to make them come true. A few of them include, making new friends, being more confident and possibly even finding love ... haha. I love thinking about all the possibilities of the year approaching us and wondering what the year will hold. Will I be happy? Will something spectacular happen to me? My family? My friends? Will I finally do things that I have been waiting to do my whole life? Like getting a boyfriend? Writing a book? Finding a best friend? There are so many things, that the list could seriously go on for years! 

So I hope you all have an amazing New Year ahead of you and that it brings you happiness. 

Lots of Love

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